Sandwich Massage

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Sandwich Massage
Female to Male Body Massage in Wagholi Pune

Sandwich Massage

Two gіrlѕ wіll concentrate оn the single mеn body whіlе the Mаѕѕаgе. It is аlѕо саllеd as Fоur hand mаѕѕаgе. Thе mеn sandwiched іn bеtwееn two massage gіrlѕ іѕ саllеd Sаndwісh mаѕѕаgе.

offers Blue Blossom Spa
Blue Blossom Spa Wagholi Pune | Body to Body Massage in Wagholi Pune

Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your reservation so that we can assist to prepare you for your massage. This includes consultation with your spa therapist to ensure you receive the best possible care. Please understand that late arrivals may result in a reduction of treatment time.

When making your booking, please advise us of any health conditions, allergies or injuries that might affect your treatment experience.

Our spa environment is one of relaxation and tranquillity. In light of this, our spa is a mobile phone and smoke free environment.

Special : Sandwich Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Thai Massage

Call Us

Body to Body Massage in Wagholi Pune | Call : +91 9319457654